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Effexor and diet pills -

21-12-2016 à 12:37:10
Effexor and diet pills
Old post, I realize, but here is what seems ODD to me. I made the switch from Effexor 150mg to Wellbutrin 300mg. I felt 95% better within 20 minutes of taking it. 5 mg per day of Effexor XR after gaining 20 pounds and wanting to sleep all the time on Lexapro. It was helpful to me for 2 years, maybe 3 at the most, after that I was no longer responding to it but I kept taking it because I had a little boy to take care of and had to be stable for him. I am just not finding anyone who has done well with cold turkey and I need some encouragement. YOU can heal better with good therapy than you can with these toxic pills. I wanted to abandon the cart full of toys and get the hell in the car so I could sit down. I would never advise an alternate day approach to tapering as this is like ping-pong on your brain. 5 for 1 week then 1 13. Everyone talks about how awful Effexor (venlafaxine) is but I have loved being on it. Filed Under: Health and Wellness Tagged With: anti-depressants, Effexor XR, medication Comments. Ive been on them for as long as i can remember. I have been taking Effexor for a year after a horrific month of overwhelming events occurred in my life. Feel so blessed after reading so many horror stories. Talk to your doctor about the Prozac bridge. I tried taking them further apart, taking half the beads out, nothing worked. But my normal weight was 120 before menopause. I have been on Effexor 150 mg for 10 years. I had no idea the side effects of this med or I never would have agreed to take it. Very tedious but seems to be the only way I can do it. I simply cut in half, from 150 mg, then stopped. I have been on effexor for years, currently at 150mg. Hello Wendy, Did you eventually wean off prozac, too. then I just stopped. Your body is going to need tons of rest to repair the damage this drug has done. While I was sleeping I felt like I was wide awake and thinking. Today I got greedy and took the plunge to 75mg effexor and added 10mg Prozac. ween me off about 5 wks ago. In the last few months it felt like I was getting even more depressed, gaining weight, but not emotionally responding to anything, not crying or reacting, but falling deeper into a hole of avoidance. YOU have to get a grip, YOU have to want out of this drug hell, and YOU CAN DO IT. I started effexor during radiation for breast cancer. I get horrible nausea, equilibrium problems, headache, rushing sounds in my ears, hot flashes, the whole gam it. I have taken it for approximately 4-5 years. Within 1 hour I was feeling nearly normal. Serotonin, which appears to be what makes us feel sick when quickly reducing below 37. I am over a bout of depression after a few deaths in my family. If I go on something again, maybe I will try something like Prozac that is not difficult to stop taking and will not cause weight gain. The chills are almost gone, the sweats have slowed a little, but the brain hum is still bad. So reducing from higher doses (which target norepinephrine anddopamine) does not significantly reduce effects on serotonin. I know you posted this long ago, but finally seem to have found somebody who decided to go full cold turkey. I was so desperate for answers and had a feeling I was going through the discontinuation syndrome that I asked her to please ask her pyschiatrist if he knew of it. I just found your website and opened the 6 EFXR I have left and will try this method of bridging. Take away this god awful nightmare of withdrawals. I live alone, so this whole thing is a bit scary. Only place i was happy in a cool dark room. My daughter who has been on effexor for 10 years just tapered off. It was the start of my third month on Prozac that I started to wean from the drug. 5 mg pill of Effexor for about 2 wks now. My question is how long were you on the prozac. Do you know anyone who has done it cold turkey. Thank you for letting me share my experience from this awful drug. I continued that particular ratio for another two or three days. Tapering the Effexor slowly some dosage reductions were harder to deal with and once down to 75mg she added 10mg Lovan. Went to the doc to complain about this and this is when she said I was having panic attacks. I asked if it could be from my Effexor and of course, they said no way. I have gone from 130 o 138 since the Effexor. I tried the above method for the second time this year and found it too quick a reduction even with 10mg prozac. Starting one drug to end another might not be the best idea for everyone, as you might then have to detox from TWO drugs simultaneously. I felt as though my brain was having seizures and the electric shocks were so severe that they would wake me from exhausted sleep. I no longer need it and he decreased it to 50 then to 35. Like several women have already stated, I was first prescribed Effexor 10 years ago to help reduce symptoms related to cancer treatment. The Wellbutrin was for depression and the Effexor for hot flashes. I am on day six of abruptly stopping my Venlor XR 150mg of 4 years, and i am struggling. He has had a couple patients try this and it worked. Today is day 2 of 37. Hi Nancy, Yes, I did eventually wean myself from the Prozac and it was fairly easy. and at first, the first week was crazy, I was crying everyday, angry, agitated, and then full out rage, so emotional, just a mess. I stopped taking Effexor cold turkey for about a week. I am just hoping taking the Prozac is going to do what he says. I took Effexor years ago for anxiety and I would get these horrible electric jolts through my entire body if I was late taking a pill. This drug, in combination with intense therapy and support groups, saved my life. My 14year old daughter became pregnant, I found it had to cope with it so my doctor gave me effexor samples. I finally found some info online about why I was having such a hard time weaning from Effexor XR. Popped a xanax, did barely anything for me, so I drove home. Just stop for a minute, in the middle of a brain-blink (as I like to call them) and remember that YOU are in charge now. I have a few little dizzy spells daily but they are getting few and far between. 2 days ago I quit completely. Are you still on this site for some questions Wendy please help. You can see from the photo below, I put the granules in applesauce to swallow them. Effexor XL 150 mg daily was the last prescribed. Today is day 3 of my cold turkey from Effexor 75mg twice a day. I have been taking antidepressants for 20 years, Effexor for the last 7. You saved me all the horrible side effects from the drug. Every time I get to the final stage of weaning I go into a deep depression and go back on them. Looking back, my life only got worse while on this drug, in fact it fell apart. Withdrawal has been hell for me, I guess I asked for it doing to cold turkey method but 2 weeks in, despite the daily nausea, I will never go back. I stopped in my tracks, told my boyfriend to grab me a water and held on to the shopping cart so tight bc I thought I just might pass out. Please let me know if the Prozac bridge worked. I have wanted to wean myself off for years but have been too scared to do it. My income (of lack of) qualified me for 100% coverage for my Effexor. The bridge sounds good, although this was never recommended to me. (Effexor stops your brain from producing it naturally and provides it. I went to work the morning I went down to 37. They have no clue what it does to a person. Best of luck to those of you still trying to get off this drug. Everytime I would try to get off them, she would ask me why. I was never told by any doctor over the last decade that discontinuation for any reason would be so horrible. I am down to 30 beads now after about 4 weeks and will probably reduce the reduction to 2 and 1 beads per day the closer I get to zero. Thankfully, not everyone experiences the extreme withdrawal that I did. I found this website as I am trying to get off effexor. The hot flashes subsided far before I stopped taking the drug. I decided it was time to get my own life back so I started my own reduction of the drug. My Dr had me reduce mine to 2 13. Thank you so much for this blog which has helped me beyond measure. I am down to 37. I took one 10 mg of Prozac and 26 Effexor XR granules. Thank you for posting about the Effexor-Prozac bridge. As much as I want to give up this process, I refuse. I can handle the physical withdrawl, but the mental, mood swings, rage, anger, withdrawl I have experienced is so intense, I do not feel like I can control myself. My Dr. After that I just dropped the Effexor and went full strength on the Wellbutrin. About a few days later it happened again in the shower. I would never suggest this drug to anyone it caused me to gain over 60 pounds and have me severe insomnia and now I feel not like myself and I will cry out of nowhere, and the list goes on. I printed off your information and faxed it to my Gynecologist and she had never heard of the Effexor-Prozac Bridge. Fast forward 5 years, while experiencing a six-week severe bout of anxiety, I went back on Effexor RX. I have had issues with depressions for two years. I do not know how much longer the zapping will take. Today is day 4 and had the worst symptoms nausea, light n noise sensitive. I had been on Effexor 300 mg daily, I went cold turkey in 2012 until November 2013, it was terrible, I believe I suffered a mild Tia however going to dr about issues really does no good, they throw another on you. I did the every other day thing but I staggered it so it was like every 36 hours. I was put on Venlefaxine to relieve my hot flashes. My oncologist repeatedly recommended to wean to the lowest dosage available and then begin an every-other-day regimen until I finished the prescription. I am under the understanding that many antidepressants counter the benefits of tamoxifen. I ran out of the pills once and experienced the horrors of withdrawal. No withdrawal other than a few body aches and tired. I hope to be anti-depressant free in 2013 too. I am now going to attempt the prozac bridge to get off the 37. I was worried weaning from Prozac would be difficult considering my experience with Effexor XR. Anyone pulled that one off or care to share any advice. I have been doing the bridge method for 7 months now. I am feeling like a drug addict going through detox. I could never taper without the horrible side effects many of you have described. Thank you for this forum and thanks to everyone for adding comments and sharing their particular story. I took effexor for 15 years, from the age of 25 until I was 40 and the withdrawal was the most brutal, horrendous experience of my entire life. Also, a shout out to all who have taken the time to share their experiences. No one ever tells you about the downside of coming off these awful things. I am almost completely weened with no problems. I was just as happy as you are to switch from Prozac to Effexor. All this has made it even harder for me to be going through all of this. I hope I can get through this hoping tomorrow will be better. Do u next stop that or just replace one w the other. In my experience, I took it every other day, then every 3rd day and so on. Took 2 at lunch (instant relief) and tomorrow ill do am and pm for couple of days. I took what I read online to my general practitioner and thankfully she was familiar with the Effexor-Prozac Bridge. All for my irritability which I would rather have then what I have dealt with the past 2 months. I am on day 14 of a cold turkey withdrawal from 200mg Effexor XR, took for two years. Calmly recalibrate, rethink and revive to a new YOU. My doctor then said there was no point in weaning me off but I am having severe withdrawl symptoms. With now being post menopausal I have hopes of not needing the pills. It was the first time I took any anti-depressant and it changed my life for the better. My daughter was taking it for OCD symptoms and it had gotten her out of depression. In sum, it explains the chemistry of Effexor and Prozac. wants me off it cold turkey for at least 7 days before, he says, he can put me on possibly Lexapro. Xanax did calm my nerves but the imbalanced feeling and sort of out of body feeling was still there until I went to bed. I came off Ciprolex about 10 months ago with some withdrawl, but nothing like this. I had wrote down and manage and it was rough but we eventually got her off but she did have a headache. I have been on it for 7 years for severe depression combined with lamotragine as a mood stabiliser for the last 5 yrs. The a Effexor helped but I want to give my body a break from medication. My mom had an appointment with her psychiatrist the following day. You had said you were on Wellbutrin as well. Hi there, I feel really inspired by your post. I am starting Day 6 of 150 Effexor ER withdrawal aka Cold Turkey Hell. I awoke on day 5 with a fabulously clear head. Oh, one more thing, I was initially prescribed effexor for major depression. If you dont understand, then you never truely experienced the withdrawls of Effexor. I am glad I found your blog. If you feel dizzy, drink a glass of water and go to bed. Good luck to all trying to cut back on effexor. I have been taking Effexor XR and most recently Venlafaxine HCL 75mg one time a day for probably 8 to 10 years. I went away on a houseboat for a week and forgot to take my efexor er 150mg with me. I have read about people getting off effexor and getting hit with worse anxiety. I took the Prozac for almost a month and it stopped all my withdrawal symptoms from Prozac within a week. I tried doing what everyone else did and failed. I have the brain-zap-behind-my-eye symptom that makes my left eye feel like the death star is blowing up. I am constantly crying or ready to physically hurt some one or myself. So I would like to try weaning again but in researching I fear I may be one of those 1% who may not be able to ever wean. Going on walks every morning, juicing (veggies) highly recommend that. 2. I felt this huge feeling of doom like I wanted to cry my eyes out accompanied by the off balance strange feeling. And they were (the pharmaceutical company) not getting another dime of my money. That is until out of no where I was at Toys R Us xmas shopping having a jolly time and boom that same feeling that put me in the ER came back. You may be lucky, but I would build that Prozac up before taking the effexor away. Dizzy, anxious, and this time I had an intense feeling of needing to walk and not stand still. I chose to have my Dr. As directed, I increased to 75 mg and remained on that dose for approximately one year, I had ABSOLUTELY NO negative withdrawal systems. I just want to go to the hospital for some kind of relief. However, I will not use this drug any longer bc of this. I drive a garbage truck so I praying ill be fine for work tomorrow. She was the one who would complain about a headache if she missed a dose. I just needed to talk to someone and get some advice and maybe reassurance. I started the new med and I am on day 6 for that one. Withdrawal from this is painful, though thanks to the prozac it is minimizing. But definitely speak with your doctor before doing anything as I am NOT a medical professional. Knowing how bad this med affected me, I started a slow, deliberate wean over a period of months. I still feel horrilbe from the with drawl of the effexor. This has been incredibly difficult (as you all seem to know). I had been trying to get off effexor for 5 years prior to this. If you are feeling suicidal, please contact the National Suicide Prevention Hotline at (800) 273-8255. I will be seeing my psychiatrist the 26th so I will let ya know what he thinks of my progress. It did certainly help me out during some dark days after being diagnosed and dealing with treatment. I still have a planned 2 months to go until I am effexor-free.

But if I skip a day or 2 of Prozac, I start to feel very mild withdrawal symptoms again. I stayed on it for about a month when I started to wean. After reading this blog several months ago, I got the nerve to try and get off Effexor one more time. Happened AGAIN a few days later at work but was much more intense. I do agree that weaning off effexor is much better than weaning off Prozac. Please let me know how this went for you. My doctor switched me to 37. It should only be prescribed by a psychologist. It could be a weekend or it could be a month. Now I only take Welburtin and it seems to work great. I pray no children are taking this, how could they communicate their symptoms. I told my internist I wanted to be weened off the Effexor XR. You obviously have never tried to quit Effexor. I really am encouraged that my new plan will work for me. This is my own, personal experience successfully weaning from the anti-depressant. So I went for a follow up appt and was treated for vertigo. Effexor is marginally less and less effective at higher doses at least for serotonin. I feel like my relationship with my boyfriend is going to end because of it. put me on Prozac which I loved. About 2 months ago I started trying to ween myself by taking 1 tablet every other day. Prozac has a much longer half-life, thus it can be used a the bridge Wendy speaks about. Ask your doctor about bridging the two drugs. By now everyone knows that this drug has wreaked a lot of havoc in many of our lives. I have been on 300mg for 7 months and after attempts to reduce the dosage with disastorous consequences and on the advice of my psychiatrist admitted myself to a private psychiatric clinic. Through a strong faith and self-confidence, as well as the help of the drug, I came out of the sadness and recently just got married. I am sure it was a much cleaner transition than my own crazy-stupid cold turkey method. I called my dr and she prescribed an anti-nausea med. I wish I knew about the Prozac bridge back then. I just threw the beads in some applesauce and got them down that way. Are you still taking part Effexor, part Prozac. I hope the Prozac bridge will work for me. I know what worked for me and the Prozac bridge definitely worked ease the withdrawals from the Effexor. DO NOT TRY TO DO THIS without a mate, friend or family member around. 5mg for another month then half of that and so on. Wendy I was wondering how you are doing now with anxiety. I should have gotten a head start with the Prozac first. Daily B vitamin, Dramamine sparingly, regular meals, lots of water and being vocal about what Im experiencing has been helpful. I continued that ratio for another two days. I have tried weaning myself off and all the way down to just 25 mg a day, which is miniscule, but I cant seem to go for 20 hours without having awful withdrawl symptoms. I took myself to the ER because I was sitting at my desk one morning and had this intense feeling of vertigo and my chest felt fluttery. I have been trying to come off effexor for a little over a month. I was able to taper down slowly without a bridge, but a few months later had terrible anxiety attacks, so my Dr. However, at least once a week I keep getting this out of breath, fluttery feeling in my chest. I was discharged from the ER because all the tests came back normal. She said if it worked for us she would recommend to her other patients wanting off of it. I could not function without taking that pill every day. Should I seek a second opinion and wean myself off. It was the start of my third month on Prozac that I started to wean from the drug. Drink tons of water, take magnesium, fish oil, Omega oils, vitamins, B complex and overload on these, they help TONS. It was more like my balance was off and I felt light headed accompanied by the tightness in my chest. Yes, I did eventually wean myself from the Prozac and it was fairly easy (versus trying to quit Effexor without doing the bridge). Anyway, a week before I sent your info to my doctor, another lady also sent the same to her. I skipped my Tuesday dose and woke up feeling good today. I did so cold turkey because at the time I had no idea that there was anything wrong with that. It took almost 2 years to be rid of the symptoms and in the meantime I felt as though I had lost my mind and been sucked into some kind of alternate dimension where nightmares are real. Wow, this drug is like coming off a street drug (not that I have been on drugs,but what I have seen on tv ). I take a pill ASAP and within 2 hours am usually back to normal. 5 mg. said just to switch over, but I had heard that you needed to wean so for the first week I took 75mg Effexor and 150mg Wellbutrin. I feel so much lighter in the head and no suicide thoughts like I used to have everyday. I work full-time and really want to minimise the side effects. Glad you got through and I have a question. Then I remembered the prozac and got hold of some. I do remember considering to stop cold turkey but who knew how long the symptoms would last. Then 2 weeks ago cut it down again to about 30 mg day. It has extreme withdrawal symptoms even if you miss only one day. every year i would try wean off and have to resume due to how ill I felt. The pharmacy ordered the brand but my insurance would not pay for it. The impact they had on my body scared me. The half-life of effexor and its metabolites are super short, and this is why the symptoms appear after even one missed dose. I saw you took out the beads and put them in Apple sauce but how many beads did you use with that first day of taking Prozac. She dropped my dose to 35mg once a day, then once every other day for a week, then once every two days for a week and then none at all. I was hit with vertigo, including vomiting, and sharp electrical type brain pains but without ANY negative mental or emotional side effects. This is why the difficulty is as the dose gets to 37. I have been tapering down 2 beads a day from the 75 mg capsule (250 to 150 to 75 and now 2 beads a day for a month. I also eat very clean now and no longer have artificial sweetener and caffeine (which my dr said can cause mood changes). The first day I simply swapped pill for pill. 5 a day for the next week. The more I have thought about it I have decided that I want to work on the problems I was having more naturally and want to get off the Effexor. The only thing that I had a minor problem with is that the generic Effexor is not little round balls. I felt a little symptoms but not too bad. 5. Even with this snail-pace taper, I still experience slight withdrawal symptoms. On Monday, I skipped my dose and woke up Tuesday morning with flu like symptoms (nausea, dizziness). But yesterday I missed my dose and today I am a mess. Prozac and Effexor are antidepressants with different compounds, Switching from one to the other in order to stop and have less side effects is DEFINITELY something to be happy about. If I missed just one dose I got such crazy dreams, sweats, long disturbing sleep, feeling like I had the biggest hangover. Her Effexor stopped being effective for her OCD and we had to get her off to star Zoloft. I am a 36 year old woman who has been on Effexor since I was 19 years old. Luckily I found a good doctor who did the Prozac swap-out, like you described above. My doctor (GP) has prescribed me a low dose of Zoloft 25 mg to start taking with effexor for several weeks and slowly increasing. I am on Day 7 of a slow taper off this medication. Makes me feel sick, the upside is smoking no longer appeals to me either. If not, how long did you take it after quiting effexor. I have had some tremors, nervousness, and anxieties. I am in week 3 of my with drawl from effexor. So about 3 weeks ago I took my dose of 150 mg a day to every other day. Then I was told I was having panic attacks. I wanna know how to safely take those granules. She thought that if they kept me in a zombie state, it was good. I am on 150 Effexor to counter the hotflashes from tamoxifen. I tried to skip a day but big mistake-I got the runs, flu like aches, and nausea. I stopped it because I thought I was seeing my weight creep up a little and tried to use Xanax as a rescue med (at night, especially great for sleeping). Thanks for your story am going to ask my doctor tomorrow if I can do the Prozac Bridge. Now I am off, but I still get the zaps and ringing, and sick feeling, and hard to get up in the morning, but not at the intensity it was. I seem to be able to skip a day with out feeling weird. I do not want to rule out Effexor RX as an option but I will need a much better plan for withdrawing down from this drug. I can totally relate as I was taking Paxil for a while. Best of luck to you and let me know if you have any other questions. She advised me to take one when the episode happened again. Finally I just took 1 bead out of the capsule every other day until I had four left, then I took four beads for a few days, then to three, then to two and finally one for several days. He said I can stop taking it after a month without the worries of withdrawals occuring from it. One week ago I stopped taking it all together. I think one thing that we all have to remind ourselves is this: All that crazy crying, wanting to kill everything and anything and over the top mood swings, ARE controllable, just merely by our very admission to ourselves that they exist. I had worked in a mental health clinic for several years and thought I knew what weaning was. 5 and below, where each mg of med has a maginmarginally greater effect o. Sometimes I think about just dying to make it stop. Finding these posts is like finding a light at the end of a very dark tunnel. I know it has been awhile since this post, but reading it I finally have hope and I pick my prescription of Prozac up tomorrow. I have got myself down to 19 of the round balls of the 37. My biggest reason was I would like to have children within the next year. i took a few Valium to get through. I went from 225 effexor xr to 150 for 2 weeks no Prozac no problem. thank you, d xo. What a relief to be able to work and think again. You took them like taking the 37. Each day I keep hoping the withdrawal systems will be gone, but they are still hanging on. Started at 35mg that was later increased to 75mg a day. When I wanted to wean off, I literally found myself going crazy and had to take medical leave in order to deal with the side effects. Standing in line to get food at our Holiday party just chatting and boom HERE WE GO AGAIN. I am now taking 40ml daily of Prozac compared to the 300 ml of Effexor I was taking. If you get a chance and are on Facebook, then consider joining or liking the group Ban Effexor. I had no idea about any withdrawal from the effector. I weaned off from the Prozac shortly after I used it to get off of the Effexor. Thank goodness I have been laid off from work this week. 5 mg a day but my dr. Maybe I should open the capsules and take half of the beads or maybe the syrup. I was taking Wellbutrin and Effexor at the same time. I went from 75-150 mg to aid in a bout of depression. 5 years after. Days I struggle with anxiety, I do take Xanax but this is on a very rare occasion. The withdrawal symptoms have been manageable thus far but knowing about this taper will make discontinuing this potent medication successful. I still had about 10 pills left but figured I already went this far why give up. My psychiatrist told me to discontinue the medication because it served its purpose of stopping the withdrawals from effexor but once it was completely in my system at 3 weeks and making me feel nervous it was obviously not what I needed to be on. I was put on Venlafaxine ER after a total hysterectomy in 2008 for hot flashes. I divided up the next months pills and took out several granules over a weekly period at a time and put them in separate biggies, labeled them -15 granules, next week -25 and so on. 5 mg capsule just with water or you made them dissolve in a kind of liquid. I absolutely have this problem. Yes, definitely an old post but my most popular. Left the office with a script for a tilt table test and a referral to a neurologist. I wonder now if I even am alive to so much of the world. It also helps product serotonin naturally in the brain. 5. I also want to stay on Prozac for at least 2 months after finishing with effexor, as last year when I came off completely using this method I started to suffer from extreme insomnia. Given my life-long history with anxiety (no longer externally driven) I am pretty sure that I (my brain) will one day need help again. I used the Prozac Bridge and had no withdrawal symptoms at all. My doctor helped me fill out the paperwork to apply for assistance from the pharmaceutical company. I have a great partner and life, and I fear totally messing it up because of this emotional side effect to the withdrawal. The first three days off of it I could definately feel some signs of discontinuation. Within the 1st wk I cut my dosage from 150 to 75. I plan to do this for one month, then reduce it again to 37. The only thing I have now is hot flashes and I have been through menopause a while ago and I get itchy all over. Until last week I had been taking a split dose of 225mg effexor. One day I missed a dose of the Effexor and had amazing dizziness. I had become discouraged I would never get off the medications. I decided I wanted to be rid of the drug and get off it cold turkey, but my dr disagreed and said that was a bad idea and I could crash severely (experience extreme depression). It helps with hotflashes, and seems to curb some of the post treatment depression I often feel. until this last year. At week 3, I started to feel this terrible nervous feeling in my stomach and chest that was making me feel extremely anxious. Just today I realised I had forgotten my dose (300mg) and I have had the most awful symptoms. Please do not replace this information as professional medical advice. At first I tried to get off too quickly and got so sick, like none, then one, then none and so on. I have been Effexor free for almost 3 weeks now. One year ago, following severe anxiety symptoms, again I returned to the same dose of Effexor RX but this time my insurance dictated the generic form, Venlafazine ER. I starting taking it right before I started chemotherapy and for about 2. I cried the whole way feeling completly hopeless. Went on Effexor after loosing twins in adoption. I have been completely off of Effexor since November 24,2012 after taking it for a year. I had tried getting off Effexor for 5 years but got so sick that I had to go beck on. Over the next 4 wks I got down to 35mg. I am so thankful I found out about the bridge and had a physician willing to work with me. Do I now have to slowly ween off of prozac as well. My brother was on paxil, which is older too. Within 5 hours of a missed dose (75mg in am and 75 in pm) I am experiencing withdrawal: brain fog, brain zaps, nausea, dizziness, headache. This information is not intended to replace any medical advice. Within 2 hours I vomited. I wish I never went to the Dr that day, and got the script for Effexor. The cost has gone up 80% in the last month. I also am taking a Liver Detox from Walgreens, and I think that is helping this crap get out of my body quicker. I agree some of the side effects I experienced were bad (inhibited platelet aggregation being the worst) but I must say for me, this was the wonder drug. I have been on venlafaxine for hot flashes caused by chemo. I wanted to get off rameron and my doc at time put me on this horid stuff. 5mg Effexor and 20mg Lovan and I must admit I am not feeling great but know I am through the worst of it. Do you know how long this withdrawal can last. Sometimes it lasts all day, sometimes it is short lived. I was also taking 2mg of xanax right before bed every night for 4 years and have been off of that for a couple months now. Someone really needs to get this drug off the market. On her advice, this is what I did to stop taking Effexor XR. I was prescribed effexor as a result of my friend recommending it to me for my depression. Hi Craig, were you able to successfully get off the Effexor. I then tried the Prozac bridge and success.

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